en nl fr
Metropolitan Views
> in collaboration with larbitslab
Metropolitan Views has the intention to develop a mobile application a flanograph that – by recording data stored on smartphones or other datacarriers – records a number of movement patterns (digital tracks). Specific, the project aims to capture – in a playful, but critical way – the virtual structure of the European city, using data collected with a smartphone, provided with customized software for navigation and sensors for the measurement of speed, light, temperature, sound and heart rate. In this vision the smartphone is transformed into a measurement-tool. The mathematical reflection of the relationships and interactions that are registrated during the process of user registration, forms the starting point for narrative storylines for a system of self-publishing.
The intention of the project is to confront the user, in situ – from his daily experience – with a changing situation of the urban experience and its possible implications for the behaviour, but also to scan this environment for values and norms: involving him as a participant in the phenomenon.
> The Flanogroaph @ HyperUrbain.4: Hybrid Mobility
Valenciennes – 18/06 > 19/06/2013
> The Flanogroaph @ Conference Art and Geography – Aesthetics and practices of spatial knowledges
Lyon – 11/02 > 13/02/2013

Sketch The Flanograph: track 004 – Dunkerque